Get inspired by the latest news from our various sectors. A meeting place for 1500 brands, 400 exhibitors, and endless inspiration.
Toys for all ages: what can you offer as a retailer?
Toys, they always put a smile on children's faces. And as a retailer, you know that the right toys also add value to their development. But which toys best suit different ages and needs? Here you can read which toys you can buy for different age groups so that you can respond to the needs of your customers with a versatile assortment.
Storytime sells: The importance of children's books in your assortment
Books are a wonderful addition to your product offering because they make for valuable and sustainable gifts. Plus, as a retailer, you can put your own spin on it by curating a selection that perfectly matches your store's target audience.
Pressrelease: Trademart sells home & living &go to TICA
Trademart is pleased to announce that the operation of ‘Home & Living & Go’ (BICCC) has been transferred to Dutch company TICA.
Back to school: 6 tips & trends to pick up as a retailer
Trendy back to school, yes please! And you must admit, a cool school bag and trendy clothes make that first day of school even more fun. So in this article, we list six handy tips and trends to get your shop ready for this important moment for parents.
Botanical interior ideas for your shop or online store
Botanical interiors have been in vogue for some time now and there are no signs that this trend is about to change. It has to be said that nothing says serenity like a natural green interior in these tumultuous times. Here are some tips to help your customers install a botanical interior.
Cash & carry: the 5 benefits
Go for an up-to-date offer that catches the latest trends thanks to our cash & carry department: fashion & accessories &go.
Wholesale outdoor toys for your shop
Have you ever heard your customers complain that their children no longer want to play outside? We know that this is a persistent myth. Children are in fact very playful beings by nature – you just have to attract them with the right assortment of toys.
Unique baby & kids items in your store? Our favorite brands and exhibitors
Make a difference in your shop or webshop with these brands!
Digital fashion in the metaverse: will we soon be going virtual shopping?
Fashion in the metaverse, virtual fashion, vr fashion, digital fashion, digital clothing... Do these concepts mean anything to you? They are soon going to be familiar, because the biggest names in fashion are rushing to join the digital world. Allow Trademart to open the doors to the future to you.
The best tips for buying sustainable children’s clothing, sustainable baby products and sustainable toys!
Perhaps you want to buy more sustainable toys, sustainable baby products or sustainable children’s clothing, but you don’t know which of the exhibitors at your wholesaler stocks them? Follow this guide to discover the range on offer at more than 250 brands in the baby & kids department of Trademart.
Keep up with the latest sustainable trends in interior design
Do you want to offer your customers the latest sustainable trends in interior design? You can count on us to tell you what to look out for when buying decorative items for your shop or online store and introduce you to the most sustainable brands and exhibitors in interior design at the home & living department at Trademart, for wholesale decoration.
Create atmosphere in your business with outdoor lighting
Outdoor lighting is not only functional, it can also create ambiance and decoration. Whether you have a store or an online shop, or if you are an interior designer or a hospitality operator, outdoor lighting can be a beautiful addition to your establishment!