Storytime sells: The importance of children's books in your assortment
Start early with storytime
Books are a wonderful addition to your product offering because they make for valuable and sustainable gifts. Plus, as a retailer, you can put your own spin on it by curating a selection that perfectly matches your store's target audience.
Different age groups require different types of books, so each storytime can be tailored to a child's development and interests. Below, you'll find some reading tips and book suggestions for each age category.
0-12 Months
Babies just a few months old love looking at high-contrast black-and-white images and bright colors. Even at this early age, you can start reading to them. Babies adore the sound of their caregivers' voices! Both babies and readers enjoy interactive sound books together. The themes vary widely, but sound books have one thing in common: they provide endless visual and auditory fun for the little ones.
12-30 Months
Children from 12 months old love to explore the world on their own. Toddler books with familiar themes, rich language, fun characters, and sturdy pages are perfectly suited to their interests and development.
A slide book creates an intimate, interactive storytime experience. While listening to the story, children can discover what's hidden behind flaps, sliders, and wheels. It adds a whole new dimension to reading.
Toddlers are learning new things every day. To support parents and caregivers, many toddler books focus on daily themes that might not be so obvious for young children. With the help of a book, toddlers acquire life skills that will last a lifetime: using the potty, naming emotions, interacting with others, discovering nature, and so much more!
2.5 Years and up
Older toddlers and preschoolers begin to understand the pictures they see in books better. At this age, it's fun to read actual stories. What's better than diving into a story together? The reader can create interaction by asking questions about the illustrations and text: "What do you see?" "What do you think will happen next?" "What would you do?" This approach stimulates the child's imagination, broadens their world, and strengthens the bond between reader and child.
Every child is different, but there's a book for every child. Choose stories that match the child's interests and development, but don't be afraid to think outside the box. Also, give children the chance to choose their own books—they'll be twice as engaged!
Reading aloud is for all ages, and it's never too early to start. Here are eight key benefits:
Reading aloud has a positive effect on language development and vocabulary.
It enhances language sensitivity and comprehension.
Children learn to listen better and improve their concentration.
Surprisingly, children who are read to perform better in math later in school.
The intimate moment of reading together strengthens the bond between child and caregiver.
Children learn to empathize with other situations, which is great for their emotional development.
Books provide insight into the world around them.
Reading stimulates the imagination.