+1500 brands in fashion, home & living and baby & kids available in 7 departments.
7 departments
The Trademart building is divided into 7 departments, each with its own offer and purchasing model.
You will discover the latest products and collections in fashion, home & living and baby & kids. You can buy on collection/on order or from stock.
All departmentsVisit Trademart
Upcoming events
In collaboration with its exhibitors, Trademart organizes a large number of inspiring events. So, all retail professionals: mark the next event in your sector in your agenda! See you soon!
Monday Opening home & living - September 2024
Attract your customers’ attention with the latest innovations in decoration, interior, kitchen & dining, gifts and design during the Monday Opening home & living. 400 brands proudly present their latest collections.
Latest news
Storytime sells: The importance of children's books in your assortment
Books are a wonderful addition to your product offering because they make for valuable and sustainable gifts. Plus, as a retailer, you can put your own spin on it by curating a selection that perfectly matches your store's target audience.
Pressrelease: Trademart sells home & living &go to TICA
Trademart is pleased to announce that the operation of ‘Home & Living & Go’ (BICCC) has been transferred to Dutch company TICA.
Back to school: 6 tips & trends to pick up as a retailer
Trendy back to school, yes please! And you must admit, a cool school bag and trendy clothes make that first day of school even more fun. So in this article, we list six handy tips and trends to get your shop ready for this important moment for parents.
Botanical interior ideas for your shop or online store
Botanical interiors have been in vogue for some time now and there are no signs that this trend is about to change. It has to be said that nothing says serenity like a natural green interior in these tumultuous times. Here are some tips to help your customers install a botanical interior.