Wholesale outdoor toys for your shop
Have you ever heard your customers complain that their children no longer want to play outside? We know that this is a persistent myth. Children are in fact very playful beings by nature – you just have to attract them with the right assortment of toys. You can find original collections with outdoor toys for your customers at these baby & kids exhibitors.
Baby & kids departmentPlaying outside is healthy for both body and mind. Children who play outside move much more. This not only helps them spend their energy, it also promotes their motor skills and growth, and reduces the risk of obesity. Playing outside also exposes them to various harmless microbes that boost their immune system – making them less prone to illnesses.
In addition, they gain more self-confidence outdoors, learn to assess risks better, and have all kinds of experiences. And they fall asleep faster at night – with a satisfied smile on their face!
So, why is it that children play outside less often these days? Many parents attribute this to the over-abundance of screens. But as a wholesaler for children's toys, we do not agree with that. Most children really want to play outside – where they are free to run, jump, climb and make noise.
It’s often the parents who need a helping hand. They think the busy traffic is too dangerous, or they don't know the best way to let their children play outside. That’s where you can make a difference: on the one hand, by offering your customers the right outdoor toys; and on the other hand, by giving them the tips below.
5 tips for becoming an outdoor play parent
Give your customers the following 5 tips for becoming an ‘outdoor play parent’ – or display them in a visible place in your store:
Make time to play outdoors
Limit your children's screen time, and don't fill all their free time with planned activities. Praise your children when they have played outside, and show delight for all the stones, leaves and ladybugs they come running to show you.
Go outside with them
‘Monkey see, monkey do.’ If you yourself always stay indoors, your children will copy your example. But when you go outside with them, you learn how your child handles risks, such as traffic.
There’s no such thing as bad weather
In rainy weather, you can jump in puddles; in freezing cold, you discover a frozen world. As long as you dress them appropriately, your children can go outside in most weather conditions.
Getting dirty is not a bad thing
Don't be cross when your kids come home dirty. Provide play clothes for them in a dedicated place, along with shoes that they can easily put on and take off.
Provide enough outdoor toys
Playing outside is even more fun with outdoor toys. Choose original toys tailored to your child's interests and age.
Outdoor toys for all ages
When children are not used to playing outside, they at first don’t know where to begin. Outdoor toys help in these situations. But which outdoor toys should you recommend to your customers?
Of course, a lot depends on the ages of your customers' children. For children older than 4, the games can be a bit more active. A trampoline, footballs, bicycles – but also sturdy children’s clothing to romp in – are ideal for them.
For children younger than 4, it doesn't have to be so energetic. Think of outdoor toys that stimulate their senses – such as a small colourful tent, a play table or a sandbox. Colourful comforters that are easy to find in the grass are also useful at this age.zijn handig op deze leeftijd.
You can find original collections with outdoor toys for your customers at these exhibitors: Artsana Belgium – Chicco, Babylonia, Galaxxis, Hanne Juul Agency, Hoorens, Koos Agency, Little Dutch, Manchild and Patrick Neys Agenturen.
Babies love to play outside too! A breeze or a ray of sunshine are often enough to make them coo with delight. For example, offer your customers who have babies an outdoor bed, with a folding roof with anti-UV 50+ treatment, and loops to hang toys on.
Wanted: toy wholesaler
Looking for wholsale toys? You’ll find the most charming children's items and the latest trends in toys at Trademart. So, don't hesitate to visit the baby & kids department and ask one of our exhibitors for advice. Because just as with fashion, there are also trends in toys. For example, steps are currently doing very well, as are outdoor ball pits for young children. Young parents, in particular, are very alert to these items.
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