Antar Shoe imports shoes from globally renowned brands for the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Operating from our headquarters in Elburg and showrooms in Nieuwegein and Brussels, we work with a mix of strong brands such as Ipanema, Grisport, Bergstein, and Hot Potatoes, catering to every season and demographic. As an importer with over 45 years of experience, we introduce brands to the market through our extensive client portfolio. We do so with personalized attention and prompt deliveries of commercially robust and stable brands across diverse product categories. Furthermore, at Antar Shoe, we lead in automation, prioritize sustainability, and achieve self-sufficiency through solar panels. Our customers can reorder directly from our stock via our B2B platform 24/7, thus reducing instances of out-of-stock situations in stores.
Showrooms of ANTAR SHOE
B S Barcelona 125
Shoes & bags
collection, onstock
Monday to Friday: by appointment
These opening hours apply during the buying season
At specific events
Karen Gysbrechts
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