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SensuaI Simplicity. Luxury Ease.


The materials are cotton, wool and innovative cellulose fibres like cupro, tencel, viscose with a strong eye on sustainability.

Fabrics, touch and haptic are playing a key role. The collection is easy, pure and modern.


We want a woman to feel good wearing our clothes before she looks into the mirror.

Who feels good, looks good.

MORE inkopen bij Trademart

Bezoek showroom
F Firenze 110
Fashion & labels
collection, onstock, cashcarry

Maandag - vrijdag: 10:00 - 17:00

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SensuaI Simplicity. Luxury Ease.


The materials are cotton, wool and innovative cellulose fibres like cupro, tencel, viscose with a strong eye on sustainability.

Fabrics, touch and haptic are playing a key role. The collection is easy, pure and modern.


We want a woman to feel good wearing our clothes before she looks into the mirror.

Who feels good, looks good.

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Je kan een hele dag parkeren voor 8 euro of parkeer voordeling een volledig jaar voor 25 euro.

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