Supplies & Services
Looking for the perfect location to put your services on the map? Would you like a wide network of retailers and suppliers to market your services? Then, Trademart is the right address!
+1500 brands
+350 exhibitors
Centrally located
For whom?
You are a brand or supplier in services such as: packaging materials and merchandising, scent marketing, store layout,...
You want to meet new retailers
You are looking for a permanent place to offer your services and receive customers
Reach more customers with your services
Trademart is the ideal place to unveil your services. Expand your customer portfolio from our central location.
Give our retailers the support they need
Our supplies & services department offers additional services to both visitors and exhibitors. From packaging materials and merchandising, to scent marketing and store design.
Does your product or service also belong in this list? Can you offer added value to our visitors and exhibitors?
Take advantage of our annual reach
More than 10.000 unique professional visitors per year
400 exhibitors
Physical stores, online players, global products, niche brands
Our team is ready to discuss the showroom of your dreams ! Contact them for all your questions or simply leave your details if you want to be contacted for more info.
Dimitri Decnudde
(+32) (0)472.06.22.10